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  • Reading Buddy

    Parent information evening Tuesday 23rd January 2024 | 3.30pm - 4.30pm Refreshments provided and pupils can stay in school (Supervised by an adult in their classrooms) until the end of the session. Further information about this session will be sent out after the Christmas holidays. Dear Parent / Carer We are very pleased to introduce to you, Oxford Reading Buddy. Oxford Reading Buddy is a digital reading service that makes reading interactive, motivating and engaging for children aged 4-11. With hundreds of eBooks and comprehension quizzes to suit all Oxford Reading Levels, teachers can also monitor and support each child’s personal reading and comprehension progress.It transforms the journey of developing reading comprehension into an enjoyable adventure for your child. With a wide array of engaging books and interactive activities, your child can explore and learn at their own pace. Detailed guides and information videos, on how to make the most of Oxford Reading Buddy can be found below, ensuring your child gets the best out of this fantastic resource. Oxford Reading Buddy - Log in All children from Nursery to Year 6 will have a Reading Buddy account and many children have been logged on to Reading Buddy in school already. Your child should bring home a username and password (before the end of term) which can be used straight away. Oxford Reading Buddy can be accessed on computers, tablets and smart phones.  Please note that it cannot be accessed via a kindle as it needs to have web access

  • Vaccination Information

    Dear Parent/Carer Please see below information and links for Public Health about measles. It includes a very useful link to Department for Education information about what you can do if you think your child has measles and advice about attendance at school or nursery. Measles cases are on the rise across England. Vaccination is our best defence. Measles is more than just a rash – it is a serious condition that spreads very easily and can lead to severe illness and even death. While most children have protection through the MMR vaccine, around one in ten in England do not, so are at risk of catching the disease. In some parts of the country, this is as high as four in ten children. In Newcastle by age 2, 92.7% of eligible children had received one dose of the MMR vaccine, and by age 5, 85.3% had received recommended two doses of MMR vaccine, meaning we have a significant proportion of children who are unvaccinated and who are at risk of contracting and spreading measles. The MMR vaccine is recommended with the first dose at the age one year of age and a second dose at age three years four months. For maximum protection, you need both doses of the MMR vaccine. Getting the NHS MMR vaccine is free and usually takes just a few minutes. You can book an appointment and catch up on the MMR vaccine at any age.  If you or your child have missed any MMR vaccinations or are unsure if your child is up to date, contact your GP practice to check. For children approaching their MMR vaccination age, your GP practice will be in touch to invite you to book an appointment when they are due. Parents and guardians can check their child’s red book to see if they are up to date with their MMR vaccinations. A resource for parents, schools, nurseries and other education settings is available here: What to do if you think your child has measles and when to keep them off school - The Education Hub ( Education settings should follow the UKHSA advice on managing measles infections.

  • Football

    Y3 & Y4 Football NEXT GAME: Catholic Primary schools under 9 tournament Tuesday 11th June Walker Gate. 16:00pm – 17:50pm more information and team to follow. Y5 & Y6 Boys Football Afterschool football training will resume summer term 2. More information to follow. NEXT GAME: 5-a-side tournament – Newcastle United Foundation Wednesday 5th June 2024 – 09:30am Due to small allowance on squad numbers, not all children on the school team have been selected to play in the tournament. If you have received a text from school, your child will be playing. All children will need to bring appropriate clothing and footwear (boots or trainers, no metal studs). Please dress appropriately for the weather. Children will return to school once the tournament has ended. We expect to return to school before lunch. Following your text message from school, please confirm via email to the school office your child's attendance. Cup Semi-Finals – English Martyrs’ school Thursday 6th June 2024 Only children who have received a text from school, will be playing in this match on Thursday. The semi-finals game will be played on the school field. Parents are able to watch their children play and can enter school through the KS1 gate. The approx. finish time is 16:30pm, children should be collected at this time. Please wear appropriate footwear/shinpads. Following your text message from school, please confirm to, whether your child will be collected from school or will be making their own way home What will my child need for matches? Football boots (plastic studs) OR football trainers Shin pads Warm trousers such as jogging bottoms Waterproof coat Thermal top for underneath football top (recommended)

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