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  • Advent Mass in School

    We were joined by Fr John who celebrated Holy Mass with us, in the school hall. Y3 and Y5 helped us to celebrate the mass, leading the readings and singing hymns. We marked the start of Advent and thought about how we can prepare for the arrival of Christ, at Christmas. We celebrate Mass, in school on the first Friday of each month. All of our English Martyrs' parish and school community are most welcome to join us. There are refreshments served by our pupils available after Mass.

  • Knife Crime Workshop Y5 & Y6

    Year 5 and 6 took part in a knife crime worship, in partnership with Northumbria Police. Representatives from Northumbria police came to visit our upper KS2 classes to talk about the perils of knife crime and consider the consequences of this. The pupils took part in the interactive workshops, which covered: risks of carrying a knife or a bladed article misconceptions about knives why people might carry a knife helping students to have some understanding of the consequences of carrying a knife sources of support for young people The workshops were really informative and helped our pupils gather a better understanding of some of the issues the police and young people in our community are facing.

  • World Book Day 2024

    World Book Day 2024 What a fantastic day we had in school, celebrating World book day and our love of reading. Our pupils looked amazing in their book inspired outfits, we had a host of characters from super heroes, cartoon characters, authors and characters from classic fairy tales. Some pupils wore colours to represent the feelings we explored in one of our whole school texts, 'The colour Monster'. The video below gives a little insight into our fun filled day. For World Book Day, all of our pupils took part in activities based around two books. One of the books was called 'The Colour Monster' - this book helps us to recognise our feelings, using colours as a way of expressing different emotions we may feel, at different times. Some of our children designed their own colour monsters  to show how they sometimes feel in different situations - others made feelings Jars to show things which make us feel different emotions. This was a great way to discuss  our emotions and to know that we all feel different emotions and that this is perfectly normal and part of who we are! The other text that we shared was the prize winning book called 'Flooded' by Mariajo Ilustrajo. Flooded is the funny and beautifully illustrated tale of animals who live in a city that is ever so slowly flooding. The flood comes gradually at first. All the animals ignore the obvious and go about their busy lives, disjointed from one another and preoccupied by their own problems. Eventually, the flood water reaches a height that they can no longer ignore and they have to work together to save their city. All the animals join together in a line and pull out the plug that is drowning the city. This is an exceptionally illustrated story that teaches a message not to let problems fester and with a little team work and community spirit, no problem can't be solved. We took part in lots of activities based on this book, including designing our own wellies! It was also a great opportunity to talk about some important environmental issues and how we can do our bit, working together to protect our planet. MISS ELLIOTT: MRS COOK: MRS DONNELLY: MRS CLARKE:

  • European Day of Languages

    There are 24 official languages in Europe but adding in regional and minority languages, the total number spoken across the continent is over 200. On 26 September, European Day of Languages, we celebrated the range and diversity of languages spoken throughout Europe by celebrating the languages spoken in our school. We are so lucky at English Martyrs' to have a school community where many languages and cultures can be celebrated. Miss Madsen led us in an assembly where we heard many different languages spoken from around Europe. We were set challenges to identify languages and we are going to research the origins of languages spoken in our school. Throughout the day and coming weeks we will learn more about languages and the importance of learning other languages. It was is wonderful to see children so proudly sharing their languages and cultural backgrounds with the school community.

  • School Mass - New Academic Year

    We were very happy to welcome Fr John and Fr Mariadass into school, to celebrate Holy Mass with our KS2 children and some of the English Martyrs' parishioners. This was a celebration of the new academic year where we were able to ask for God's guidance and support from the Holy Spirit. We gave thanks for our friends, teachers and families as well as praying for our new reception children and our previous Y6 children who are now starting their new journeys at High School. We will celebrate mass on the First Friday of each month, here in our school hall. Parents, carers and parishioners are most welcome to join us for mass and there will be refreshments available afterwards. At the end of Mass, our Year 6 children made a special pledge to carry out their special roles and responsibilities. After each statement, the children responded 'I do' showing commitment to their roles and supporting the school community. Fr John then blessed the badges which will be given out to the Y6 prefects.

  • Black History Month

    When is Black History Month? This year’s Black History Month is from 1 October 2023, to 31 October 2023. It’s celebrated annually across the globe but originally stemmed from the United States of America. What is Black History Month? Black History Month is a time for reflection and positive changes for the future. During the event, people can celebrate the outstanding contributions that Black people have made to society across the globe, both today and historically. Why is Black History Month Celebrated? Black History Month provides great opportunities to reflect on the key moments in history and in today’s society. It’s important to celebrate the contributions of everyone to our communities, and support the multiculturalism and diversity that shapes them. It can highlight any inequalities that Black people are facing, and work towards shaping a better future for all. Black History Month can also give opportunities to discuss Black famous inspirational people throughout history, that future generations can look up to. What are the origins of Black History Month? Black History Month originates from the United States, dating back to 1915. This happened half a century after slavery was abolished, by the United States’ Thirteenth Amendment Law. It was during this year that minister Jesse E. Moorland and Carter G. Woodson founded an organisation. This organisation was devoted to promoting Black people’s achievements throughout history, and celebrating these. Mrs Margo led our assembly, supported by some of our Y6 pupils. Mrs Margo reminded pupils about some of the most influential black individuals and how they have helped to shape history. The children also considered how much society has changed but also what still needs to be done to ensure everyone is treated fairly and with respect. The month presents an opportunity for children and young people in our school to learn more about Black history and to celebrate the contributions Black people have made to society.

  • Cathedral Mass for Bishop Stephen

    Welcome Mass for Bishop Stephen We were excited to be invited to attend mass and join other Catholic Primary schools from across the Diocese at St Mary's Cathedral - on Friday 29th September. Two members of our CAFOD club represented our school as our Diocesan schools joined Bishop Stephen this afternoon at a beautiful Mass to welcome him to our Diocese as our Bishop.

  • New Partner School in Germany

    Following a successful art project, linked to the 75th anniversary of Newcastle City, being twinned with Gelsenkirchen, in Germany - Mr Kennedy, Miss Madsen and Mrs Bridgewood were able to visit our Partner school, called Rainbow School. Our team spent 4 days in the City of Gelsenkirchen, visiting Rainbow school, teaching lessons and working with their staff as well as being able to visit other education institutions, including a High School and a Talent College. The trip was a wonderful opportunity to learn about culture and education in another part of Europe. It also allowed staff in both schools to plan for further collaborative work and projects. We hope that the Rainbow school teachers will be able to visit us, here at English Martyrs' soon and we have ambitions to take some of our pupils over to Rainbow school in the future. We are also looking to expand our languages offer and start a German language club in school  so that our pupils can learn to communicate with their friends over in Gelsenkirchen. You can read more about the visit in the articles below.

  • Grassroots & Northumberland Cricket Board

    This year we have teamed up with Grass Roots Sports and Northumberland Cricket board to deliver some high quality and challenging PE and Coaching sessions for our pupils. This term, children will be taught Tag Rugby, with a focus on not only the fundamental skills of throwing and catching but also the importance of movement and tactics within the game. Pupils will also look to improve reaction time, coordination and confidence as they apply new skills to game situations. Our pupils in Year 2 and 4 are currently working with Northumberland Cricket board to improve their skills and learn about the game of cricket. The coaches will introduce all elements of the game to the children and will also provide further pathways and opportunities for those who wish to pursue the sport outside of school. Through our PE offer, this year - our pupils will be taught a wide range of skills which can be applied to a wide range of sports. They will be able to take part in many different sports both in PE lessons and in school competitions.  We will also be working with other organisations including Falcons Rugby and Newcastle Eagles basketball. You can find out more on the PE pages of our website.

  • Reception Stars - A warm welcome to our new pupils, in Reception

    Welcome Reception class 2023-24! It has been lovely to welcome our new reception pupils and their families, into our English Martyrs' community. We have been so impressed with the way in which the children settled so quickly and are embracing school life. We look forward to working with the pupils and families in the coming years - it is a privilege to be shaping the lives of our children. We aim for all families to be involved in their children's learning journey and welcome any feedback or comments from parents. If we can help or support in any way please do not hesitate to contact us. Here are some highlights from our first few weeks in school.

  • Welcome back | Celebration of the Word

    It was lovely to share our celebration of the word, with all of our KS1 and KS2 pupils, this morning. We discussed the theme of being a bright light and a shining example to others. This year we will explore the theme of 'Being enough' and understanding who we really are and knowing our worth. Nobody is perfect but we all shine in our own special ways. We also spent time reflecting on our Golden Rule of treating others as we would like to be treated. We will revisit this throughout the year.

  • Year 4 Multiplication Check

    Dear Parent / Carer This week, your child will be participating in the multiplication tables check. The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It is a statutory assessment that all Year 4 pupils will undertake this year. Children use an iPad to answer 25 times tables questions. This is something they are well-used to doing as they have practiced throughout the year. The results will help teachers to identify any gaps in tables knowledge and address these. There is no ‘pass mark’ for the check but we will share the results with parents when they are available. The checks are not something that your child should worry about and we hope that they see this as part of their normal tables practise. You can find out more information about the times tables checks here.

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