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Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive a free hot nutritious school meal as part of the Universal Free School Meals initiative which was introduced in 2014.

You may also wish to apply for benefits related free school meals, and if you qualify you will also receive supermarket vouchers during the school holidays.

Once your child enters into Key Stage 2 (Year 3) you have the choice of your child taking a packed lunch or continuing with school meals.  Please note whatever option you choose this needs to be a weekly pattern, i.e. if you want to change from packed lunch to school meals or vice versa you would need to give school at least 1 week's notice of the change.

Please note if you are not eligible for free school meals and would like your child to have a hot meal you will need to create an online account to pay for your meals weekly in advance.  The current cost for school meals is £11.00 per week.  If money is not credited onto your account in advance you may be contacted by the school office to drop off a packed lunch for your child.

Please contact the school office on 0191 274 7463 or by email to who will provide further details and account information to create your online account.


Children in Key Stage 2, Years 3 to 6, may opt to bring a packed lunch to school which are eaten in the Key Stage 2 dining room.

Packed lunches should be in a secure named container/lunch bag.  No sweets are allowed – instead, we encourage lots of fruit, vegetables and healthy snacks. 

Please note we are a nut free school - no nuts of any kind can be brought into school due to the amount of pupils with nut allergies.  This includes nutella based items, and/or any products which contain hazelnuts.

Water is available on all tables for children who choose a packed lunch.  However, your child can bring their own drink in a non-breakable container – no fizzy drinks please.

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