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Y5 Germany Trip - Initial parent meeting (26.9.24)

 Dear Parents/Carers of Year 5 pupils

Thank you for all of the responses so far to the information request, regarding the Germany trip.

I am pleased to have had a positive response. Please can I ask that any parents/carers who have not responded, please do so by the end of today – even if you do not wish for your child to take part. This will really help with planning and administration.

Here is the link

I invite those interested in their children taking part in the trip to a short meeting on Thursday 26th September, at 3.30pm.

This will take place in one of the Y5 classrooms. Please wait at the upper KS2 end of the yard and a member of staff will direct you to the classroom.

I appreciate many of you will have your children, siblings etc with you. There will be provision made for them to stay with a member of staff in another classroom, or they can come into the meeting as long as they can sit sensibly.

The meeting should last no longer than 20-25 minutes. I would strongly encourage attendance. I will provide further information about the trip, including travel information, staffing, accommodation and a draft itinerary.

I will also be able to answer any questions, which I am sure you may have. As we are still in the planning stages, some information will still be unknown or unconfirmed. Once we have final numbers we will of course hold further meetings to discuss the finer details, closer to the dates of the trip.

If you are unable to make the meeting but would like your child to take part, it is important to let the school office know as I will need accurate numbers submitted no later than Monday, 30th September, in order to meet Government deadlines.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.


Mr Kennedy

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