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English Touring Opera | Year 5

On Monday 25th March, Year 5 were lucky enough to visit Sacred Heart High School to watch a performance of "The Great Stink" by the English Touring Opera.


Through songs, drama and puppetry, the company told the incredible true story of Summer 1858, when the city of London was brought to a standstill by the terrible smell from the River Thames.


The Head of Music from Sacred Heart visited school beforehand to teach us some songs, which made the experience so much more enjoyable and interactive. Year 5 even created some puppets to bring along to the performance!

Here are some reviews from our Year 5 children:


"I liked how they put comedy into the songs - it was funny!"


"It was really interactive, so we got to join in with the singing and holding up signs!"


"It wasn't what I expected - there were lots of different voices, not just high ones."


"We got to learn a lot too. They told a story through the songs but we also learnt about Victorian history!"


As you can see, Year 5 had a fantastic time and took a lot away from the experience.

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