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Curriculum Night - Year 1 to Year 6

Dear Parent/Carer 


We would like to invite parents/carers with pupils in Years 1 to Year 6 into school on Wednesday 25th September 2024, at 3.30pm to find out about the curriculum in your child's class and what to expect, this academic year.  


The presentations will last around 30 minutes, finishing at approximately 4.00pm


This will be a wonderful opportunity to come into school and meet your child's class teacher as well as discuss our school values, curriculum opportunities, expectations, and how we can best work together as a school/home partnership.  


If you are able to attend this event we would ask that you collect your child at their normal finish time end of day and then wait on the school yard. You will then be invited back into school by a member of staff and directed to your child's classroom.


Children are also welcome to attend and will be looked after by our support staff in  another classroom, allowing you to listen to the presentations.  


If you have more than one child in school we ask that you choose one class presentation to attend. Following the meeting all information will be uploaded to our school website and the link will be text out to all parents/carers.


After the presentations, there will be an opportunity to attend a 'drop-in' session with the Senior Leadership Team in the Key Stage 2 Hall,  who will be on hand to assist with any problems you may be having with any online communication - which includes; iPayimpact online payments, website access, Tapestry and other online facilities.  




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