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Following our visit from OFSTED on 24 and 25 January 2024, I am happy to say that English Martyrs’ continues to be a ‘Good’ school. Here is a flavour of what the inspector said about our school:

  • Pupils thrive at English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School.

  • Pupils are happy at work and play in this calm, orderly and caring school. They behave well in lessons and are eager to acquire new skills and knowledge.

  • Pupils benefit from the provision for outdoor play and learning during the less-structured times of the school day. They thrive in the school’s safe, secure, well-maintained and well-supervised outdoor learning environment.

  • All staff are ambitious for the pupils in their care.

  • Pupils with SEND are fully included in all aspects of school life. Their academic needs are considered and met well.

  • Effective leaders value the staff highly and take appropriate action to manage their workload.

  • The school ensures that effective local, national and global citizenship is learned through activities such as recycling, supporting foodbanks and conserving water

  • Pupils, from the youngest to the oldest, articulate the difference between right and wrong precisely. They have an extensive knowledge of some of the world religions through attending this multi-cultural school in which everyone’s backgrounds and talents are recognised and celebrated.


A copy of the full report can be found  below.


Thank you for your continued support 

Miss Elliott & SLT 

  • Please find attached a copy of Inspection letter following our Ofsted Inspection.

  • Everyone at English Martyrs’ is delighted with the letter which confirms what we all knew – that ‘English Martyrs’ is a good school’.

  • The Inspection Letter outlines the findings from the day and gives school ‘Next steps’ for further improvement.

  • We build on these successes, as we continue our journey to ensuring that English Martyrs’ provides an excellent education for all.

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