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We are delighted to be able to offer your child weekly whole class recorder lessons in Year 3 with Mrs Clarke, our Music teacher.  The lesson is part of the statutory Music curriculum, and school will loan a recorder labelled with their name, to your child for the year.  This can be taken home in order to practice, but must be brought back into school on Monday for their afternoon recorder lesson.


Please look after the recorder, and wash it in warm, soapy water every week.  If the recorder is lost or damaged it will cost £11 to replace.  There is no requirement to buy a recorder for your child, but should you wish to do so then please email me at and I will advise the best type to purchase.


If you have any other questions or queries please email me at


I always stress with the children the need to practice at home quietly and in a quiet area away from others, as I appreciate the nature of this instrument if played too loudly!!


Please however encourage your child to practice and also take the time to listen to them play and let them perform for a small 'audience' too if possible.  This will encourage and develop their confidence and skill and will make progress quicker too!


We are delighted to be able to offer your child a weekly ukulele lesson with Mrs Clarke on Wednesday afternoons this year.


School will provide a quality ukulele to use in the lesson, but unfortunately cannot allow these to be taken home.  If your child is very keen to practise at home and you would like to buy one they cost around £25.  Please email for advice on which type to buy as some of the cheaper "toy" type ones don't really work at all properly.


The children will all have a ukulele of their own in their lesson so will get lots of practise in at school within our lesson.  We hope your child really enjoys learning this super little instrument and it may inspire them to take up guitar lessons in Year 5!


We are delighted to be able to offer your child weekly penny whistle lessons in Year 5 with Mrs Clarke, our music teacher.  The lesson is part of the statutory Music Curriculum and school will loan a penny whistle to your child for the year with their name on it.  This can be taken home in order to practise, but must be brought back into school on Tuesdays for their afternoon penny whistle lesson.


Please look after the penny whistle and wash it in warm soapy water every week.  If the penny whistle is lost or damaged it will cost £9 to replace.  There is no requirement to buy a penny whistle for your child, but should you wish to do so then please email Mrs Clarke at and she will advise the best type to purchase.


Mrs Clarke has stressed to the children to practise at home gently and quietly and away from others as it can be quite distracting to others, especially if played too loudly.  Please, however, encourage your child to practise and complete their practise diary and also take the time to listen to them play and let them perform for a small "audience" too if possible.  This will encourage and develop their skills and confidence and they will make quicker progress too!


If you have any other questions or queries about your child's music lessons please email Mrs Clarke at


We are delighted that were awarded a grant for a set of steel drums and two drum kits last year, and Mrs Clarke will be teaching Year 6 how to play in their Wednesday morning weekly music lesson.  This is a challenging and exciting instrument to play and I'm sure your child will really enjoy the music lessons.

If you have any questions or queries about music in school then please email Mrs Clarke at

CHOIR 2023/24

Dear Parent/Carer


I am excited to be able to offer TWO new lunchtime choirs this year and we will be learning lots of wonderful new songs and hymns as well as beautiful Christmas Choir repertoire later in the term. 


Some of the music will be quite challenging and will require that your child attends every week (and their place will, unfortunately, be re-allocated to someone on the waiting list if their attendance is poor.)


We will be performing both in and out of school and you will get a chance to hear and watch them perform later in the term.


There are 30 places in each choir and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Those unsuccessful for the 'Autumn' term choirs will be given priority for the ' Spring' choirs.


*Tuesday 'Quavers' Choir is for Year 3 and Year 5 children 12.30 - 1.00pm (30 places)

*Thursday 'Crotchets' Choir is for Year 4 and Year 6 children 12.30 - 1.00pm (30 places)


To register your child's interest please email Mrs Clarke at

Remember this is on a first come, first served basis


Children who are successful in getting a place will have their lunch first then come to the main hall for Choir.

Please note there is no charge for this.


Mrs Clarke 

Music Teacher


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