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Hi my name is Miss Laura Moran and I am the family Support worker here at English Martyrs'. My primary role is to support the families of English Martyrs' Catholic Primary School so that together we ensure our children are able to meet their full learning potential within our school.  We want our children to flourish and be happy, healthy and safe.

My working week is Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 4.30pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm

My role encompasses working with our pupils and their families to ensure that by offering support, guidance and building effective relationships our children can flourish.  I ensure that Personal Development, behaviour, and well- being are given high priority. It is our aim at English Martyrs' to work in partnership with our families to facilitate the well being of the Whole Child through support, nurture and encouragement; both in and out of school, resulting in well rounded, confident,  happy children who feel safe and ready for the next step on the educational journey.


My role covers the following areas:

  • Attendance

  • Pastoral Care

  • Family Support

  • Health and Well- being

  • Parent workshops/ Family Learning

  • Parent groups

  • Signposting to other agencies

  • Supporting parents to access other agencies

  • Safeguarding

  • Early Help

  • Children Protection

  • Operation Encompass


Early Help is a way of describing the extra support your family can receive if you need it. It maybe that you want to prevent a problem or change things for your family before the problem becomes more serious. It is a voluntary and you need to consent to having a plan.

You may wonder why you may need Early Help?
Early Help brings together workers, some of whom you may know already who will support the whole family to try to make things improve for everyone. Early Help could include support with parenting, employment, anti-social behaviour, school attendance and emotional wellbeing.

Miss Moran is available to support you with this and is able to be a Lead Practitioner.

Please see attached for further information


At English Martyrs' Primary School we are concerned with your family as a whole.  Children achieve higher when they are feeling settled and safe both at home and in school.
Miss Moran is able to offer support around your child's well-being offering:
Support via one - one for your child or you as a parent/ caregiver,
Support to access outside agencies - School Nurse, GP or CYPS
Miss Moran is also available to support parents to access mental health provision such as Talking Therapies or MIND
An adult can access If U Care Share Foundation. (Suicide prevention) by ringing  01913875661 or access Papyrus (prevention of young suicide) bu ringing 0800 0684141 
An Adult can access Talking Therapies for themselves if you are in the Newcastle Area by ringing 0300 5551115
MIND is a project that also supports mental health and they are available through the following number 0300 1233393
Our School also accesses Counselling via the Road Centre if this felt appropriate.
An adult can download an app for most smart phones called Hub of Hope or alternatively visit


English Martyrs is an Operation Encompass school.
Operation Encompass is an initiative from Northumbria Police whereby they alert schools when they have been called to an address and the family have children.
If a child/children has been present during an incident the key member of staff must report back to Operation Encompass information around attendance and wellbeing.  Parent are not spoken to about the incident however they do receive a letter to say whether their child has been/ or has not been (if a child was not present) spoken to during the school day.
Please see the attached PDF for more information


Newcastle support directory  hosts up to date information on activities within our community hubs. 


There is a wealth of support for families, and different activities to access within the inner west. A lot of the activities are free, including things to get involved in over the holidays! 


Activities such as football, boxing and youth clubs. Advice and support groups on pregnancy, cost of living and cooking! There is so much accessible support within our area. 


Visit the website  to find out more and see for yourself how much there is to offer. 


Action for Children provide free support for parents and carers of children aged 0-19 in the UK,  with no topic too big, small or embarrassing! 


Action for Children aim to provide a welcoming space for all parents and carers, whatever their background and experiences. 


Their service is accredited by Helpline Standards, a nationally recognised quality standard. All advice is provided by experienced parenting coaches.


Action for children cover topics such as 


  • Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Behaviour

  • Stages and development

  • Additional needs and disabilities 

  • Education 

  • Parenting and relationships

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition and health eating 


They offer a free 1:1 confidential live chat with a parenting coach or have resources for activities to support children and young people at home. 


Visit their website to find out more information. 


As always, if you need urgent help or are worried about a child's safety contact NSPCC on 0808 800 5000. If you're worried about a child's health contact 111, or in an emergency call 999. 


What is Feeding families? 

  • Feeding Families is a North East charity who offer support to those experiencing food poverty.

  • English Martyrs is proud to now be a partner organisation to Feeding Families, which enables us access Emergency Food boxes and support packages for families in our school. 

It is important that no body ever goes hungry, therefore as of 16/11/2023, we will be keeping emergency food boxes in school for families to access. 


What's in the boxes?

The boxes have enough food to support up to 2 people for 3 days. Each family will receive the number of boxes that reflect the family size. E.g. family of 5 will get three boxes. The boxes should be used as short term support. 


How can I access the boxes? 

Contact the office and ask to speak with Miss. Moran. Alternatively, an email may be sent. Miss Moran can support with getting the boxes out/collected. 


All phone calls, collection/drop off of boxes will be carried out discreetly by Miss Moran. Please contact the school office on for more information. 


If Newcastle (or any other Local Authority) is involved with your family, we are here to support you and the agency's to ensure joint working at all times.

Joint working enables everyone to ensure the whole needs of a child is being met. It is good practise to liase with Newcastle Social care if there are any safeguarding concerns for your child.  Please refer to our Safeguarding Policy.

Our Family Support is at hand to support you to attend meetings and often attends Care Team Meetings, Child Protection Conferences, Strategy Meetings and Core Group Meetings.

Miss Moran records all relevant information of our CPOMs system.


Your Health Visiting & School Nursing service is available to support you.

Are you a parent / carer would like advice?

We can offer support about infant feeding, weaning, toilet training, sleep, behaviour, bladder & bowel, healthy eating, general wellbeing, emotional health or any other health lifestyle issues.

Are you a young person who wants to speak to a school nurse? Or are you a professional who knows a young person who may need support?

We can support with a confidential telephone conversation around emotional wellbeing, healthy relationships including sexual health and healthy lifestyles.

Please ring us on our single point of access telephone number on: 0191 282 3319

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