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Message from Miss Elliott - May 2024

Dear parents and carers,

You may have heard, in the news and  social media, of the tragic accident that happened at the weekend in the river Tyne at Northumberland, resulting in the death of 2 boys - David Radut and Aras Rudzianskas.

One of the boys, Aras was 13 years old and a former pupil of English Martyrs’. Aras attended English Martyrs from nursery to Year 6 and is remembered very fondly by all staff.  He always had such a lovely smile!

As a school community we are deeply saddened to hear of this news and we extend our sincere condolences to his mum, his twin sister Aina and all the family.

We ask you all to keep Aras, David, their families and friends in your prayers at this very sad time.

Miss Elliott & SLT

Parking Concerns Jan 2024

Dear Parents/Carers

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to address a matter of concern regarding the safety of our pupil's during pick-up and drop-off times.

Despite continual requests and ongoing communication with parents and carers  we are still having incidents of irresponsible parking outside the school premises. These incidents not only create inconvenience for other road users but also pose a significant threat to the safety of our children.

As a school, the safety and well-being of our pupil's are our top priorities. We understand that parking can be challenging, particularly during busy times, but it is crucial that we work together to ensure the safety of our children.

To address this issue, we kindly request your cooperation in observing the following guidelines:

  1. Use Designated Parking Areas: Please make use of the designated on-street parking areas or the nearby car park on King George Road during drop-off and pick-up times. Avoid parking on double yellow lines, zig-zags, pavements, or in areas that obstruct other road users or pedestrians.

  2. Respect Local Residents: Our school is situated in a residential area, and we must be considerate of our neighbors. Please refrain from parking directly in front of driveways or blocking access to residents' properties.

  3. Do Not Leave Unattended Vehicles: Leaving vehicles unattended, even for a short period, poses risks and can contribute to traffic congestion.

  4. Carpooling and Alternative Modes of Transport: We encourage parents to explore car sharing options with other families where possible. Additionally, walking, cycling, or using public transport are alternative modes of travel that can help reduce traffic congestion.

  5. Irresponsible driving: We ask that car users refrain from carrying out ‘U Turns’ on Netherby Drive, as this only adds to the congestions and adds to the risk of potential accidents. Please do not stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off near the school gate.

We kindly urge you to discuss these guidelines with any individuals who may be responsible for picking up or dropping off your child, such as family members, guardians, or trustworthy friends. By raising awareness and promoting responsible parking practices, we can create a safer environment for all.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please be assured that we are committed to safeguarding the well-being of our pupils. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office, or the local council.

Miss Elliott & SLT

Ofsted Report Jan 2024

Following our visit from OFSTED on 24 and 25 January 2024, I am happy to say that English Martyrs’ continues to be a ‘Good’ school. Here is a flavour of what the inspector said about our school:

  • Pupils thrive at English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School.

  • Pupils are happy at work and play in this calm, orderly and caring school. They behave well in lessons and are eager to acquire new skills and knowledge.

  • Pupils benefit from the provision for outdoor play and learning during the less-structured times of the school day. They thrive in the school’s safe, secure, well-maintained and well-supervised outdoor learning environment.

  • All staff are ambitious for the pupils in their care.

  • Pupils with SEND are fully included in all aspects of school life. Their academic needs are considered and met well.

  • Effective leaders value the staff highly and take appropriate action to manage their workload.

  • The school ensures that effective local, national and global citizenship is learned through activities such as recycling, supporting foodbanks and conserving water

  • Pupils, from the youngest to the oldest, articulate the difference between right and wrong precisely. They have an extensive knowledge of some of the world religions through attending this multi-cultural school in which everyone’s backgrounds and talents are recognised and celebrated.

A copy of the full report can be found  below

Thank you for your continued support

Miss Elliott & SLT

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